Kyle Bulawa – Mica Mountain HS, Welding Teacher, Externship with Willis Metal Craft, Inc.
“I oversaw the complete manufacturing process from design to delivery and everything in between. I will be teaching a section on conceptual to final product manufacturing.”
Richard Charles McPherson – Rio Rico HS, Agriscience teacher, Externship with Anchor F Cattle
“This experience will help in the classroom as I now have even more practice with my industry, including new information to pass on to my students. As welding is an industry with several different career paths, it is important to understand as many paths as possible and this externship has provided me with that understanding.”
Brett Fischer – Marana HS, Welding teacher, Externship with Sun Mechanical
“The experience i had during the summer externship was an eye opener. it was nice to see what the industry is looking for in welding. I will be trying to update some of our welding equipment to what the industry is using now and also getting some new equipment that the industry use to make quick work of things. I also will be teaching shop safety to the standard of what the industry is looking for.”
Jeremy Tarbet – Canyon Del Oro HS, Automotive teacher, O’Rielly Auto Parts
“My experience in the internship was very positive.I will bring back many aspects, the more important being the job skills required to attain a job at O’Rielly Auto Parts. Students will need the soft skills more than anything to be considered for a position. They must be on time, not call in sick, work hard, etc. The most important part isn’t that you know everything about the vehicles, it is that you have the soft skills needed to get the job and retain the job.”
Externship Quotes 2023